Game programming textfiles and theory

AVOID_GW.ZIP A simple way to detect game wizard
COLLISIO.ZIP Collision Detection - How?
GAMEPROG.ZIP Game programming tutorial (C source)
MS_ARCAD.ZIP Programming Arcade Games Is a tutorial on programming object oriented arcade games in Turbo C.
PATHDEMO.ZIP PathDemo was developed by Bryan Stout as a means of visually illustrating how different pathfinding algorithms worked. It was developed for his lecture at the 1996 Computer Game Developers' Conference, and has since been enhanced. It was used as the source of the illustrations for his Game Developer Magazine article "Smart Moves: Intelligent Path-Finding," and is available here to download from GDM's website. This file explains the basics of how PathDemo and its components work, there having been no help file developed for it yet.
PCD_TXT.ZIP Practical Collision Detection To appear in the Proceedings of the Computer Game Developer's Conference, 1997. Most modern 3D games require some form of collision detection. This paper presents some basic brute force methods of collision detection between polyhedra, successively refining the techniques until we are left with a system that runs quickly. An implementation is examined in which a game engine handles 32 players and hundreds of objects in realtime.
PCD_WO_1.ZIP Practical Collision Detection Lecture #177 (Word Doc format) Most modern 3D games require some form of collision detection. This paper presents some basic brute force methods of collision detection between polyhedra, successively refining the techniques until we are left with a system that runs quickly. An implementation is examined in which a game engine handles 32 players and hundreds of objects in realtime.
UGPRG.ZIP The Ultimate Game Programming Reference Guide v1.0 This is a collection of specs/tutors written by OTHER people the files are not not modified! (With the exception of the fact that any binaries included in the original archives are no longer contained.


3DGPL.ZIP 3DGPL version 1.0 Graphics base library and tutorial for game programmers
AQDEV027.ZIP Source for a sequel to Civilization like game (pascal)
ARSRC21.ZIP This is the source code to arena. It is nominally in c++ and needs a c++ compiler but it's actually in very bad c.
ASTEROID.ZIP Asteorid Game with C++/Asm source
BALLOONX.ZIP Balloon X v2.1 Game in Basic
BOBOLI.ZIP Boboli the mighty knight , game with C source
CHECKERS.ZIP A Checkers Game That Learns From Its Mistakes (Basic)
CONNEC42.ZIP Connect-4 Algorithm , C source This file provides the functions necessary to implement a front-end- independent, device-independent Connect-4 game. Multiple board sizes are supported. It is also possible to specify the number of pieces necessary to connect in a row in order to win. Therefore one can play Connect-3, Connect-5, etc.
CORWAR.ZIP Core War is a computer game played both with and BY computers. In Core War, two player-written computer programs operate concurrently in a "circular" memory array. A program "loses" when it hits an instruction it cannot execute. C source
DEATH.ZIP Source code to a 2d game, not finished. C source
DICE2.ZIP Dice game written in Basic
DIVERACE.ZIP DIVERACE an OS/2 Game Programming Example A little 3D Car-Driving game utilizing DIVE, Real-Time soundmixing, Joystick- support and Palette-Management. Written in Virtual PASCAL with full sourcecode. Version 0.1 (very beta ;-)
DRAGRACE.ZIP lil' 256byte drag racing game (asm src) This is a 2 player game where each player hammers away at the shift keys to race each other to the finish line.
FRACE10.ZIP Fun Racin v.1.0!!!!!!!!! An uncomplete Race car game written in Turbo Pascal 5.0 . Should work with TP7.0 and 6.0. Source included. VGA required.
GLIB22.ZIP GAMEx.LIB v2.2 - shareware C games library LibRary of games related routines for C programmers. Functions cover buffered and scrolling graphics, PCX images, drawing rountines, text output, control input and more. Supports 256 colour VGA and Vesa SVGA modes. Shareware. 286+,Dos.
GNUCHESS.ZIP Gnuchess 3.1 , C source This archive contains the source code and executable for gnuchess 3.1 which is a public domain chess program. It also contains the source code and executable for a chess game analysis program which will take a chess game file with the moves in long algebraic notation, and do some analysis on the game. This is built as a front end to gnuchess.
GOGAME.ZIP C souce code for the game of Go It uses the alpha-beta minimax algorithm to evaluate attack and defend in terms of the number of liberties. The C code compiles under Turbo C.
GOODIE.ZIP Goodie - The Goody Picker in "Take me home" , C source
GTILE.ZIP Gtile, tilebased game with C++ source
INVADR_1.ZIP SPACE INVADERS by PAUL S. REID Version 1.1 An Exact Clone of the Arcade Game in 100% Assembler Game, Source Code, and Documentation Included Freely Distributable - No Shareware Fee
LANDER10.ZIP Lander v1.0 Game with asm src
LIFE_SRC.ZIP Life.C the much implemented game of life
MAKSRC05.ZIP Source code for MakMan/2, a pacman clone for OS/2.
MANCALA.ZIP Crude, simple alpha-beta search.
MOR55SRC.ZIP The Dungeons of MORIA version 5.x (C source) The game of moria is a single player dungeon simulation. A player may choose from a number of races and classes when creat- ing a character, and then `run' that character over a period of days, weeks, even months, attempting to win the game by defeating the Balrog which lurks in the deeper levels.
MSVCPUZL.ZIP MicroSoft Visual C++ sample code of a simple sliding block puzzle. Demonstrating: A simple MSVC++ app with 1 view and no document. Customizing the registration of the main window. Dragging objects with the mouse. Requires 386 and a Mouse.
MTSRC13.ZIP MARS TROOPER Version 1.3 A 253-byte game created for the 256- byte game contest on grammer (w/asm source code)
NANOTECH.ZIP NANOTECH -- VERSION 2.6 a first-person textured 3d platform game with source code.
NUMGUE_1.ZIP Number_Guesser, a Simple Number Guessing Game
OPTIMIZE.ZIP Writing smaller games
OTHELLO.ZIP Othello playing (C source only)
PAC.ZIP Simple engine for Pac Man game
PCROB10.ZIP PCROBOTS is an adaptation of CROBOTS by Tom Poindexter. This version has more features, and allows for much more intelligent robots. It is not limited to any particular language; C, Pascal,Compiled Basic, 8086 Assembler etc are all possible. The only limitation is that it must be run on an IBM PC Compatible.
RAY1.ZIP RAY CASTER 3D sorta ENGINE thingy Wrote this about a month ago, it's a sort of wolfenstien\doom lookalike but all in native QBasic source!
SC_TTT.ZIP Tic-Tac-Toe program (C source) Uses alpha-beta pruning minimax search to play a "perfect" game. The alpha-beta pruning can be removed, but will increase search time. The heuristic and move ordering in Best_Move() can also be removed with an increase in search time.
SHIP.ZIP This short QBasic demo for an action-shoot'em-up game was posted because of several questions about animation. In this code you will find examples of page-flipping animation, including a new sprite-clipping routine that allows you to place a GETted sprite past the boundaries of the screen. Also, scrolling stars, explosions, sprite movement/limitation on movement is shown.
TILES.ZIP Tile-Based Games FAQ version 1.2
TRISSRC.ZIP PCTRIS, Tetris clone with C source
TRON02.ZIP TRON! A 456 bytes two player tron-like game! cool design! extremely addictive! full assembler source included! coded by brioche/aspirine!
V150.ZIP Ray Zapper World version 1.00 (QB gamesource)
WALLGAME.ZIP Wallgame , a version of the old favorite - breakout (pascal)
WANDR330.ZIP Wanderer , Boulder-Dash game clone in C
WORLDSRC.ZIP World is a text adventure game, like Adventure or Dungeon with a sci-fi twist. C source
WSPR32.ZIP WSPR32.EXE is a Win32 based game developing tool. Within most games there are multiple levels with each level containing it's own set of sprite images, as well as, it's own 256 color palette. Using WSPR32 you can collect the images for each level along with their associated 256 color, 8-bpp, palette. WPSR32 was designed to be used with Windows 95 or Windows NT with a Intel 386 or better on a IBM compatible PC.
YAHWHO.ZIP YahWho, Yet Another Yahtzee(tm) Game in pascal